Connie is 15 years younger than Linda. When Connie got married, she was two-third of Linda’s age. How old was Connie when she wed?

x = Connie's age now

If she got married y years ago, then
x-y = 2/3 (x+15-y)
x-y = 30
So, she was 30 when she wed.

To determine the age of Connie when she got married, we need to break down the information provided step by step.

Let's assume Linda's current age is represented by L, and Connie's current age is represented by C.

According to the information given, Connie is 15 years younger than Linda:

C = L - 15 (equation 1)

It is also mentioned that, when Connie got married, she was two-thirds of Linda's age. Therefore, the equation becomes:

C = (2/3) * L (equation 2)

Now, we can solve the system of equations (equations 1 and 2) to find the value of C.

Substituting equation 1 into equation 2, we get:

L - 15 = (2/3) * L

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 to remove the fraction:

3(L - 15) = 2L

Expanding the equation:

3L - 45 = 2L

Subtracting 2L from both sides:

3L - 2L - 45 = 0

Simplifying the equation:

L - 45 = 0

Adding 45 to both sides:

L = 45

Now, we can substitute the value of L back into equation 1 to find Connie's age:

C = L - 15
C = 45 - 15
C = 30

Therefore, when Connie got married, she was 30 years old.