Create a historical image showcasing elements of the ancient Khmer civilization. Include symbolic indications of large-scale rice farming techniques such as irrigation canals and reservoirs, and vast Buddhist temple complexes. Also, depict elements related to the first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settling in the plains and river valleys, showing the advantageous geographical features that implied, such as fertile lands for farming and important trade routes. The image should be devoid of any text and should reflect the essence of Southeast Asia's ancient culture.

How did the the Khmer civilization shape culture in Southeast Asia? Select the two correct answers.

innovated a feudal system based on the loyalty of samurai warriors

developed writing systems that spread throughout Asia

used irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large-scale rice farming

introduced Islam via Indian Ocean trade routes

built vast Buddhist temple complexes
Why did the first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settle in the plains and river valleys?

Those areas were easy to defend.

Those areas were good for farming.

Those areas were best for trade.

Those areas were close to towns.

. C.

used irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large-scale rice farming
built vast Buddhist temple complexes

2. B.
Those areas were good for farming.

3. Buddhist

by using resources for their own gain


The United States wanted to prevent the spread of Communism in the region.

Correct answer D.
The military would hold elections but could overrule decisions made by those elected.

8. Correct answer A.
along coastal regions




10. Balinese

11. Malaysia
Citizens vote in elections, but the government limits democratic freedoms.

East Timor
citizens vote in relatively free and democratic elections.

12. Correct answer A.
by adopting some free enterprise practices

13. Correct answer C.
The country has a role as a leader in the financial services.

14. Correct answer D.
overcrowding and destruction of rain forests

15. Correct answer A.
rising sea levels

Correct answer C.
more intense typhoons

16. Correct answer B.
The infrastructure of a city becomes strained.

Population centers become overcrowded.

17. Geography and trade had a large impact on forming Southeast Asia’s culture. Villages developed around fertile valleys and plains. Culture spread as early Southeast Asians traveled and traded on the seas and spread their cultural practices, such as their religion.

18. When the French left Vietnam, it was divided into a Communist north and a non-Communist south. The USA came into Vietnam to stop the spread of Communism, which was a large part of their foreign policy during the Cold War. Ultimately, the USA lost the Vietnam War and left the country, leading to North Vietnam taking over South Vietnam and uniting the country under Communist rule.

19. People tend to live near areas that have adequate natural resources, which was true in ancient times and today. This would include many farmers that settle near the great farming soil in the mainland’s delta and volcanic islands.

20. Urbanization is the rapid increase in population in a city area. Urbanization causes issues in Southeast Asia, which include putting a strain on the infrastructure. The population is too large and there are often not enough hospitals, roads, or public works for all of these people. Other basic needs such as water, sewage facilities, and electricity are often not good enough to support this massive population. Finding enough areas to live is another huge problem that urbanization causes.

Make sure to reword the last 4.

srry for being so late, hope this helps
I am Demetrius Demarcus Bartholomew James The III Jr.

I like how nobody answered this.

this is Southeast Asia Unit Test

I really need it rn im about to be kicked if i dont do good

But my point is trust him it 100 percent correct. I did the word problems on my own but I needed help on number 20, so this was definitely very helpful! I know it’s been forever but TRUST HIM/HER!

Kim Taehyung 🐯💜 is the best... PS literally just look up capital “V” on google than go to images and you will be AMAZED! I PROMISE!🐯💜

it c and e

"mrs" Its Ms. Sue

@Demetrius Demarcus Bartholome. . . LMAO SAME

oop same

@Antidisestablishmentarianism are you sure these are right im about to take my test?