Use the passage to answer the question.

from American Slavery as It Is

Philemon Bliss, Esq., a lawyer of Elyria, Ohio, who lived in Florida in 1834 and 1835. “During the cotton-picking season they usually labor in the field during the whole of the daylight, and then spend a good part of the night in ginning and baling. The labor required is very frequently excessive, and speedily impairs the constitution.”

This excerpt is from a pamphlet written in 1839 by Theodore Dwight Weld. What conditions of slavery does this text describe?

a. conditions along the Second Middle Passage
b. conditions at slave auctions and slave markets
c. living conditions on southern plantations
d. working conditions on southern plantations**


Thanks, it was indeed correct

d. working conditions on southern plantations

d. working conditions on southern plantations

To answer the question, one must look for clues in the passage provided. The passage describes the working conditions during the cotton-picking season, where enslaved individuals labor in the field during daylight and then spend a significant portion of the night ginning and baling. It also mentions that the labor is frequently excessive and causes harm to the individual's health.

Based on these details, the text describes the working conditions on southern plantations (option d).