It was during this period that he might have harkened to the memories of the lair and the stream and run back to the Wild. But the memory of his mother held him. As the hunting man-animals went out and came back, so she would come back to the village some time. So he remained in his bondage waiting for her.

Which best describes the force that motivates White Fang’s choice in the excerpt?
A. an internal force based on instinct
B. an internal force based on feeling~
C. an external force based on setting
D. an external force based on conflict

not in this class but i believe B is right

oh okay lmao

Please help me ;-;

I have a question similar to this but it is asking what motivates White Fang to remain in the village. Can someone help me plssss???

The force that motivates White Fang's choice in the excerpt can be described as an internal force based on feeling. In the passage, White Fang is torn between two options: running back to the wild or staying in the village. The memory of his mother holds him back from returning to the wild, as he believes that she will come back to the village at some point. This internal force, the emotional connection he feels towards his mother, influences White Fang to remain in his current situation and wait for her.