Read the excerpt from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad.

As they walked along she told them stories of her own first flight, she kept painting vivid word pictures of what it would be like to be free.
Which rhetorical appeal is Tubman using to convince people to continue in the underlined portion of this except?

A. Logos, because she is using her own experience as a tool.
B. Pathos, because she is using her own credibility as a tool.
C. Logos, because she is appealing to her audience’s sense of logic.
D. Pathos, because she is appealing to her audience’s needs.

The right answer should be A, but you were on the right track, as it is her OWN experience. In the excerpt, she is not being credible, but rather telling about her own life, and in other words, sharing about her experiences. This would make A the right answer choice.

The correct answer is D. Pathos, because she is appealing to her audience's needs.

To determine the answer, we can analyze the choices and the context of the excerpt.

A. Logos, using her own experience as a tool: Although Tubman is telling stories of her own first flight, the purpose seems to be more emotionally driven rather than logically driven.

B. Pathos, using her own credibility as a tool: This choice seems to align closest with the context. Tubman is sharing her experiences and painting vivid word pictures to create an emotional connection with her audience. She is using her credibility as a freedom fighter and former slave to evoke emotions in her audience.

C. Logos, appealing to the audience's sense of logic: While Tubman may be sharing her experience, the focus of her storytelling seems to be more centered on arousing emotions rather than logical reasoning.

D. Pathos, appealing to the audience's needs: Tubman's stories and word pictures aim to appeal to her audience's needs for freedom and a better life. This choice aligns with the emotional appeal she is using.

Based on the analysis, the best answer would be B. Pathos, because Tubman is using her own credibility to convince people to continue their journey.

if it's for connexus the answers are:

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D