on monday cathy read 1/6 of her book and on tuesday she read 2/6 of her book. how much has she read



(1) D 1/2

(2) A 3/8
(3) A 1 1/3
(4) B 1/4
(5) B 1/10

1/6 + 2/6 = 3/6 = 1/2

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

just took the test

i just did it its


Just happened to be passing by ...

Thanks :3

Don't listen to sore :3 is right

For some connexus students it might change the order of the question or the order of the answers but for me in 2021 it is still holding up for me but here is the answers for add and subtract fractions with like denominators

1. On monday, cathy read 1/6 of her book, and on tuesday, she read 2/6 of the book. How much has she read? ✔= the correct answer

A 1/6
B 1/5
C 1/3
D 1/2 ✔

2. Jack has 4/8 of a pizza left from a party. If he eats another 1/8 how much is left? ✔= the correct answer

A 3/8 ✔
B 2/3
C 5/8
D 1/2

3. How much is 2\3 cup plus 2/3 cup? ✔= the correct answer

A 1 1/3 cup ✔
B 1 2/3 cup
C 3/4 cup
D 2 cup

4. How much longer than 5/8inch is 7/8inch? ✔= the correct answer

A 1 1\2inch
B 1/4inch ✔
C 1 3/8inch
D 1 1/8inch

5. Plasma makes up 11/20 of ypur blood, and blood cells make up the other 9/20. How much more of your blood os plasma than blood cells? ✔= correct answer

A 1/20
B 1/10 ✔
C 1
D 11/20

Hope this helps i took the quiz and theese are the answers o came up with btw it took theese answers off of :3