What is the technical meaning of the word bow in the following sentence?

As the music sped up, Mia began to bow rapidly, causing a short, high pitch.
(1 point)

a weapon used to propel an arrow
a wooden rod with horsehairs stretched from end to end
to play a stringed instrument with a bow
to cause to bend into a curve

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In the sentence, "As the music sped up, Mia began to bow rapidly, causing a short, high pitch," the word "bow" has the technical meaning of "to play a stringed instrument with a bow." To arrive at this answer, we can first understand the different meanings of the word "bow" and then choose the one that fits the context of the sentence.

The word "bow" can have several different meanings, including:

1. A weapon used to propel an arrow: This meaning refers to a bow as a tool for shooting arrows, often used in archery or hunting. However, this meaning does not make sense in the context of the sentence, as it is not describing an arrow being shot.

2. A wooden rod with horsehairs stretched from end to end: This is the definition of a bow when referring to a tool used to play stringed instruments such as a violin, cello, or viola. In this context, the word "bow" describes how Mia is playing a musical instrument, likely a stringed one.

3. To cause to bend into a curve: This meaning of "bow" refers to something bending or curving, often used to describe a physical action. However, in the given sentence, "bow" is being used as a verb to describe Mia's action related to playing an instrument, not to describe something bending or curving.

Therefore, the correct technical meaning of "bow" in the sentence is "to play a stringed instrument with a bow," which aligns with Mia's action of playing a musical instrument during the music's acceleration.