The characterization of the children is an important part of “The Story­Teller.” Which of the following quotes from the story offers the best evidence for the character of Cyril being mischievous?

plz help guys

Ms. Sue has passed away, and I have not read that story.

ms. sue died?

how do you know she died?

Answer the question smh I need it 😭😭

To find the best evidence for the character of Cyril being mischievous in "The Story­Teller," we can start by analyzing the text. First, we need to locate quotes related to Cyril's behavior. To do that, we can either have a copy of the text or search for an online version of the story. Once we have the text available, we can search for keywords such as Cyril or mischievous to quickly find specific parts of the story that mention Cyril's behavior.

For example, we can search for quotes that describe how Cyril acts or any instances where his mischievousness is highlighted. By examining these quotes, we can identify the best evidence for Cyril's mischievous character.

Please provide the text of "The Story­Teller," and I will help you locate the relevant quotes.