Read this excerpt from White Fang.

When the canoe touched the shore, White Fang lay whimpering and motionless, waiting the will of Grey Beaver. It was Grey Beaver's will that he should go ashore.
White Fang’s submission to Grey Beaver supports the theme that White Fang is

adapting in order to survive.
carefully planning his escape.
longing for his former life.
loyal to Grey Beaver most of all.****

Check my answers please

Explain why. I like PROOF!

To analyze this excerpt from White Fang, it is important to understand the context of the interaction between White Fang and Grey Beaver. The passage describes a moment when a canoe reaches the shore, and White Fang is depicted as whimpering and motionless, awaiting Grey Beaver's command. It states that Grey Beaver's will is for White Fang to go ashore.

To determine the theme supported by this scene, we can analyze the possible options:

A. Adapting in order to survive: This theme might be supported if the passage indicated that White Fang's submissive behavior was a survival strategy. However, based on the given information, there is no direct evidence to support this interpretation.

B. Carefully planning his escape: Similarly, there is no indication in the passage that White Fang is planning to escape. This theme is not explicitly represented.

C. Longing for his former life: Once again, there is no information provided that directly suggests White Fang is longing for his past or previous life. This theme is not supported.

D. Loyal to Grey Beaver most of all: This theme is supported by the given passage. White Fang's submission and compliance with Grey Beaver's will indicate a sense of loyalty towards him.

Therefore, based on the provided options and the analysis of the passage, the correct answer is option D: loyal to Grey Beaver most of all.

I disagree.