Which lines from Brighton Beach Memoirs best describe the setting? (1 point)

A wooden frame house, not too far from the beach. It is a lower-middle-income area inhabited mostly by
Jews, Irish and Germans.
He is wearing knickers, a shirt and tie, a faded and torn sweater, Keds sneakers and a baseball cap.
Outside on the grass stands EUGENE JEROME, almost but not quite fifteen.
Her sister, BLANCHE MORTON, thirty-eight, is working at a sewing machine.
Read the excerpt from Hometown Summer.
TASHA: I like unpacking. I like crawling in the boxes.
ROBBIE: Yeah, you get to play, and we have to work.
KELSEY: Leave her alone, Robbie. Just because you're unhappy, you don't have to take it
out on her.
2. What does this excerpt tell the reader about Kelsey's perspective? (1 point)
She is annoyed at Tasha's and Robbie's immaturity.
She is protective of her little sister, Tasha.
She wishes she were closer to Tasha and Robbie.
She wishes she could play in the boxes with Tasha.
3. According to "Drawn to Barre," why were immigrants skilled in stonecutting attracted to
Barre, Vermont?
(1 point)
There was an opera in the town.
They wanted to work on the railroad.
There were quarries in or near the town.
They wanted to form labor unions.
Read the excerpt from "At School."
Practical job training was important. Many kids went directly from grammar school to
special vocational schools sponsored by private agencies like the Children's Aid Society in
New York City. The society operated separate trade schools for boys and girls. The courses
offered reflected the kinds of jobs open to the students. For boys: shoemaking, printing,
carpentry, sign painting, bookbinding, basketry, chair caning, janitorial work. For girls:
cooking, sewing, embroidery, dressmaking, millinery, stenography, typewriting.
4. Which best describes the structure of this paragraph? (1 point)
compare and contrast
chronological order
cause and effect
sequence of events
5. Which article would most likely use a cause-and-effect text structure? (1 point)
"Which Pet Is Right for You?"
"Dogs Make Better Pets than Cats"
"The Best Reasons for Owning a Cat"
"A Day in the Life of a White House Pet"
Read the excerpt from "At School."
Most immigrant families tried to keep their children in school until the age of fourteen, when
a youngster could obtain full-time working papers. But that was not always possible. During
hard times, kids had to drop out of school early. In the days before World War I, it was an
accomplishment to finish grammar school.
6. Based on this excerpt, what can the reader infer about immigrant children in the early 1900s? (1 point)
They had a great deal of responsibility and helped support their families.
They were the only members of their family able to obtain employment.
They were not interested in higher education beyond grammar school.
They sometimes left school to help America’s war effort.
7. Which detail from "Drawn to Barre" best supports the idea that stonecutters unions’ fought for
workers’ rights?
(1 point)
By 1900, the Barre Granite Cutters' Union had over 1000 members and was the largest in the United
Many who came to Barre had an interest in politics. Some stonecutters wanted to start labor unions.
The rules for entry became stricter over the next 20 years. By then the people of Barre had already
formed a union.
At the start of the 20th century, the union realized that breathing stone dust while working was
extremely dangerous to workers, and tried to raise awareness about conditions.
Read the paragraph from "Home Place Retold."
They became merchants, carpenters, teachers, clergy, and (most often) farmers. Their
landscape was Watonwan County in western Minnesota. Young families worked hard to
build a life. They came from a farming tradition that included methods unknown to many
Americans. As usual, new ideas were viewed with some doubt. The use of crop rotation, for
example, was common for the newcomers. They also used potassium for fertilizer. Their
practices produced better crops than other farms. A good idea is hard to ignore, and they soon
gained status as first-rate farmers.
8. Which best paraphrases this paragraph? (1 point)
Immigrant families worked extremely hard when they came to America and quickly gained status.
Using potassium as fertilizer, a technique of immigrant farmers, helped many people
New farming techniques had a major impact on farming in the Midwest, producing first-rate crops.
Immigrant families brought new farming techniques to America, which proved very effective.
9. Which detail from "At School" supports the central idea that foreign-born children were not
given enough meaningful support at school in the early 1900s?
(1 point)
They were simply placed in regular classes with much younger American-born children.
Instruction emphasized the three Rs, American history and geography, penmanship, and spelling.
Students stood at their desks as they performed physical fitness exercises every morning.
In some city schools, nearly all the students came from immigrant families.
Read the sentence.
Anish is researching the history of the Olympics and finds a government report that has
information he can cite in his essay.
10. This type of source is considered (1 point)
an academic source.
an internal source.
a popular publication source.
a news publication source.
Read the excerpt from Immigrant Kids, by Russell Freedman.
Men, women, and children were packed into dark, foul-smelling compartments. They slept in
narrow bunks stacked three high. They had no showers, no lounges, and no dining rooms.
Food served from huge kettles was dished into dinner pails provided by the steamship
company. Because steerage conditions were crowded and uncomfortable, passengers spent as
much time as possible up on deck.
11. Based on the concrete details in this excerpt, which word best describes how the immigrants
(1 point)
Mr. Reed's second-period class.
12. Which group of words would correct the sentence fragment? (1 point)
at last
is studying Shakespeare
the students in
at Lincoln Middle School
Read the topic from Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman.
Immigrant families had close family ties.
13. Which quotation best develops this topic? (1 point)
“looked with wonder on this miraculous land of our dreams”
“I held tightly to Stepfather’s hands, while Liberta and Helvetia clung to Mother”
“now the incredible buildings of lower Manhattan came very close to us”
“a few moments later we came to our dock, and the long journey was over”
14. Which best describes the purpose of "Draw to Barre"? (1 point)
to entertain readers with a story about the residents of Barre
to convince readers to support Barre residents' political causes
to inform readers about how Barre grew and developed
to encourage readers to take up a specific trade, as the Barre residents

Can anyone help me answer these questions I really need help I arealdy have a d in language I cant fail the test and get an f please help meh I desprate

14 a

Read the excerpt from Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman.

Some immigrants were so flustered that they could not answer. They were allowed to sit and rest and try again.

About one immigrant out of every five or six was detained for additional examinations or questioning.

The writer Angelo Pellegrini has recalled his own family's detention at Ellis Island:

We lived there for three days -- Mother and we five children, the youngest of whom was three years old. Because of the rigorous physical examination that we had to submit to, particularly of the eyes, there was this terrible anxiety that one of us might be rejected. And if one of us was, what would the rest of the family do? My sister was indeed momentarily rejected; she had been so ill and had cried so much that her eyes were absolutely bloodshot, and Mother was told, "Well, we can't let her in." But fortunately, Mother was an indomitable spirit and finally made them understand that if her child had a few hours' rest and a little bit to eat she would be all right. In the end we did get through.
According to the passage, some immigrants were allowed to sit and rest before taking the exams again. How does the quotation from Angelo Pellegrini develop this topic?


I'd be happy to help you with these questions! Let's go through them step by step.

1. The lines from Brighton Beach Memoirs that best describe the setting are: "A wooden frame house, not too far from the beach. It is a lower-middle-income area inhabited mostly by Jews, Irish and Germans."

2. Based on the excerpt from Hometown Summer, we can infer that Kelsey's perspective is: She is protective of her little sister, Tasha.

3. According to "Drawn to Barre," immigrants skilled in stonecutting were attracted to Barre, Vermont because: There were quarries in or near the town.

4. The structure of the paragraph from "At School" is: Sequence of events.

5. The article that would most likely use a cause-and-effect text structure is: "Dogs Make Better Pets than Cats."

6. Based on the excerpt from "At School," we can infer that immigrant children in the early 1900s: Had a great deal of responsibility and helped support their families.

7. The detail from "Drawn to Barre" that best supports the idea that stonecutters unions fought for workers' rights is: By 1900, the Barre Granite Cutters' Union had over 1000 members and was the largest in the United States.

8. The best paraphrase of the paragraph from "Home Place Retold" is: New farming techniques had a major impact on farming in the Midwest, producing first-rate crops.

9. The detail from "At School" that supports the central idea that foreign-born children were not given enough meaningful support at school in the early 1900s is: They were simply placed in regular classes with much younger American-born children.

10. The type of source that Anish found, a government report, is considered: An academic source.

11. Based on the concrete details in the excerpt from Immigrant Kids, the word that best describes how the immigrants felt is: Distressed.

12. The group of words that would correct the sentence fragment is: The students in Mr. Reed's second-period class at Lincoln Middle School.

13. The quotation that best develops the topic that immigrant families had close family ties is: "I held tightly to Stepfather’s hands, while Liberta and Helvetia clung to Mother."

14. The purpose of "Drawn to Barre" is: To inform readers about how Barre grew and developed.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

I'm here to help you answer your questions and provide explanations for each answer. Let's go through each question one by one:

1. Which lines from Brighton Beach Memoirs best describe the setting?
The line that best describes the setting is: "A wooden frame house, not too far from the beach. It is a lower-middle-income area inhabited mostly by Jews, Irish and Germans." This line provides details about the type of house, proximity to the beach, and the demographics of the area.

2. What does this excerpt from Hometown Summer tell the reader about Kelsey's perspective?
Based on the provided excerpt, it can be inferred that Kelsey is protective of her little sister, Tasha. She stands up for Tasha when Robbie is being mean to her.

3. According to "Drawn to Barre," why were immigrants skilled in stonecutting attracted to Barre, Vermont?
The answer is: There were quarries in or near the town. The text mentions that stonecutters were attracted to Barre because there were quarries in or near the town, which provided ample opportunities for their skills.

4. Which best describes the structure of the paragraph from "At School"?
The answer is: Sequence of events. The paragraph lists various courses offered in separate trade schools for boys and girls, providing a sequential order of the courses offered.

5. Which article would most likely use a cause-and-effect text structure?
The answer is: "Dogs Make Better Pets than Cats." Cause-and-effect text structures typically discuss the reasons behind certain outcomes or the effects of certain causes. In this case, the article is likely to discuss the reasons why dogs make better pets than cats, highlighting cause-and-effect relationships.

6. Based on the excerpt from "At School," what can the reader infer about immigrant children in the early 1900s?
The reader can infer that immigrant children in the early 1900s had a great deal of responsibility and helped support their families. The excerpt mentions that during hard times, kids had to drop out of school early to support their families.

7. Which detail from "Drawn to Barre" best supports the idea that stonecutters' unions fought for workers' rights?
The detail that best supports the idea is: "The union realized that breathing stone dust while working was extremely dangerous to workers." This detail suggests that the stonecutters' union recognized the dangers faced by workers and attempted to raise awareness about their working conditions.

8. Which best paraphrases the paragraph from "Home Place Retold"?
The best paraphrase is: Immigrant families brought new farming techniques to America, which proved very effective. The original paragraph mentions that immigrant families brought new farming techniques, such as crop rotation and the use of potassium for fertilizer, which resulted in better crops.

9. Which detail from "At School" supports the central idea that foreign-born children were not given enough meaningful support at school in the early 1900s?
The detail that supports the central idea is: "They were simply placed in regular classes with much younger American-born children." This detail suggests that foreign-born children were not provided with appropriate educational placement based on their age and educational background.

10. The sentence describes Anish finding a government report that has information he can cite in his essay.
This type of source is considered an academic source. Government reports are often considered academic sources due to their research-based nature and the credibility associated with governmental institutions.

11. Based on the concrete details in the excerpt from Immigrant Kids, which word best describes how the immigrants felt?
The word that best describes how the immigrants felt is distressed. The excerpt mentions crowded and uncomfortable conditions, limited facilities, and spending as much time as possible on deck to escape the unfavorable conditions.

12. Which group of words would correct the sentence fragment: Mr. Reed's second-period class.
The corrected fragment should be: The students in Mr. Reed's second-period class. This group of words adds the subject (the students) to the sentence, making it a complete sentence.

13. Which quotation best develops the topic "Immigrant families had close family ties"?
The quotation that best develops the topic is: "I held tightly to Stepfather’s hands, while Liberta and Helvetia clung to Mother." This quotation demonstrates the close bond between family members and their physical connection during a challenging journey.

14. Which best describes the purpose of "Drawn to Barre"?
The best description of the purpose is: to inform readers about how Barre grew and developed. The text provides information about why stonecutters were attracted to Barre, Vermont, and emphasizes the development of quarries and stonecutting industry in the town.