A mentor is someone you trust and respect who can guide and teach you certain things. A mentor should also display good character. Lee is one of your possible mentors, and he exhibits all of the following traits. Which of Lee's traits would cause you to choose someone else as a mentor?

anyways here are the real answer for connections academy

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. D
Trust me these are the correct answer for CONNECTIONS ACADEMY
do not say it was wrong bc I told you it is for connections academy
Health and Physical Health Unit 2 lesson 5 Uint Test Your Character Counts Unit Test
So if you are not in connections academy do NOT take my answers or you might get it wrong


A mentor is someone you trust and respect who can guide and teach you certain things. A mentor should also display good character. Lee is one of your possible mentors, and he exhibits all of the following traits. Which of Lee's traits would cause you to choose someone else as a mentor?

A. appreciative of life
B. capable of loving others
C. realistic and accepting
D. unfair and prejudiced
I think it's C. (Please correct me if im wrong!)

broooo thx for the 4/15

Trust me where are u

where are the answers

wait can someone put the names not just letters?

Hunter is actually 50% right. I took it and made a 50%

ok, im going to do the test, then I'll give u guys the answers :3

I got 11/15 hunter... WHY?

K-POP STAN is 100% correct trust her! Hunter is partially wrong

Koop, is right hunter and omg are wrong