Which of the following statements is TRUE.

Sexual reproduction involves two parents, a male and a female.***

Asexual reproduction increases genetic diversity.

Asexual reproduction involves two parents, a male and a female.

Sexual reproduction decreases the chance of passing on harmful characteristics, like disease and mutations.

no one answered

I'm not no one, but I agree. We are not online all the time.

The true statement among the given options is: Sexual reproduction involves two parents, a male and a female.

To determine which of the statements is true, let's analyze each option:

1. Sexual reproduction involves two parents, a male and a female.
This statement is true. Sexual reproduction typically involves the fusion of gametes (sperm and egg) from two parents, one male and one female. This process combines genetic material from both parents to create offspring with a mix of genetic traits.

2. Asexual reproduction increases genetic diversity.
This statement is false. Asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring without the involvement of gametes or the fusion of genetic material from two parents. As a result, the offspring is genetically identical or nearly identical to the parent. Therefore, asexual reproduction does not increase genetic diversity, but instead leads to the preservation of the parental genetic traits.

3. Asexual reproduction involves two parents, a male and a female.
This statement is false. As stated earlier, asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes from two different parents. It typically only requires one parent or individual to reproduce offspring.

4. Sexual reproduction decreases the chance of passing on harmful characteristics, like disease and mutations.
This statement is partly true. Sexual reproduction can decrease the chance of passing on harmful characteristics because it introduces genetic variation through the mixing of genetic material from two parents. This variation allows organisms to potentially overcome harmful mutations or diseases through natural selection. However, it does not guarantee the absence of harmful characteristics altogether.

To summarize, the statement that is true is: Sexual reproduction involves two parents, a male and a female.