how many sides has a regular polygon whose sum of interior angle is 540

each interior angle = 540 / n

each right turn going around angle = 180 - (540/n)
n exterior angles is all the way around, 360 degrees
n [ 180 - ( 540/n) ] = 360
180 n - 540 = 360
180 n = 900
n = 5

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Very good buddy

ok my exam over i can tell it is correct or incorrect ok

To determine the number of sides a regular polygon has when the sum of its interior angles is given, we can use the formula:

Sum of Interior Angles = (n - 2) * 180 degrees,

where n represents the number of sides in the polygon.

In this case, the sum of the interior angles is given as 540 degrees. So, we can set up the equation as follows:

540 = (n - 2) * 180.

To solve for n, we can start by dividing both sides of the equation by 180:

540 / 180 = (n - 2).

This simplifies to:

3 = n - 2.

Next, we can isolate n by adding 2 to both sides of the equation:

3 + 2 = n.

Therefore, the number of sides in the regular polygon is:

n = 5.

Hence, the regular polygon has 5 sides.