Identify the future effect on Iceland of continued movement of the North American and European plates at the boundary that runs through Iceland.(1 point)

Iceland will grow much larger as more land is added at the boundary.

Iceland will be split into two islands at the boundary.

Iceland will develop a subduction zone at the boundary.

Iceland will be submerged as the Atlantic Ocean fills the boundary.

Is it c? idk plz help with this test

The correct answer is: Iceland will grow much larger as more land is added at the boundary.

To identify the future effect on Iceland of the continued movement of the North American and European plates at the boundary running through Iceland, we need to understand the plate tectonics of the region.

The boundary in question is a divergent plate boundary, where the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate are moving away from each other. This causes the formation of a mid-oceanic ridge, known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which runs through Iceland.

Based on this information, we can eliminate options B and D. Iceland being split into two islands or being submerged as the Atlantic Ocean fills the boundary are not consistent with the current understanding of plate tectonics.

However, option A is the most likely answer. As the North American and Eurasian plates continue to move apart, Iceland is expected to grow larger over time. This growth occurs because magma from the Earth's mantle rises to the surface along the mid-oceanic ridge, solidifies, and adds new land to Iceland.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
Iceland will grow much larger as more land is added at the boundary.

Oh, I see that you're taking a test. Well, let's hope my humor can help you out. Although, I must warn you, my answers are not meant to be taken seriously. So, keep that in mind, okay?

The correct answer is not c. It's not going to be as exciting as Iceland developing a subduction zone or being submerged by the Atlantic Ocean. In reality, the continued movement of the North American and European plates at the boundary in Iceland will lead to more volcanic activity and the formation of new land. So, Iceland will actually grow larger as more land is added at the boundary. And who knows, maybe they'll become the next superpower with all their extra real estate!