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What do safety symbols look? What do they mean?

Google "safety symbols" and read carefully.

...You've definitely seen a hazard sign. Like the biohazard sign? Just google "safety symbols". They all mean different things.We can't display images on Jiskha, Otherwise I'd post some for you. It shouldn't be difficult to google though.

Safety symbols are graphic symbols that are used to communicate important safety information in science laboratories or any other environment where hazardous materials or equipment are present. Understanding these symbols is crucial to ensure safe and responsible practices.

To access a comprehensive list of safety symbols and their meanings, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by using a search engine (e.g., Google) and enter "Science safety symbols."
2. Look for reputable sources such as government agencies, educational institutions, or scientific organizations. Examples include the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), or chemistry or biology textbooks from respected publishers.
3. Click on the relevant link that provides information about safety symbols and their meanings.
4. Once you have accessed the appropriate resource, you will typically find a list of commonly used safety symbols along with a brief description of what they represent.
5. Review each symbol and its accompanying description carefully to understand its meaning. These symbols commonly refer to hazards such as corrosive substances, explosive materials, high voltage, flammable liquids, and more.

Additionally, it would be beneficial to take note of any color-coded elements or shapes associated with the symbols, as they can provide further information about the level of danger or the type of hazard.

Remember, safety symbols are not universal, so it's essential to refer to reliable sources and consult with your teacher or supervisor to ensure consistency and accuracy in your specific educational or work environment.