I know this is a practice test but...it’s for part of my grade! I’m so confused! Which sentences display correct subject-verb agreement?

Can you type out the sentences so we can see them?

Subject-verb agreement refers to ensuring that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in terms of number (singular or plural). Here are some sentences that display correct subject-verb agreement:

1. The dog barks every morning.
2. She sings beautifully.
3. The cats chase mice in the backyard.
4. He runs marathons on weekends.
5. The students study diligently for their exams.

Note: In each of these sentences, the subject and verb agree in terms of number. The singular subjects (dog, she, he) are paired with singular verbs (barks, sings, runs), while the plural subjects (cats, students) are paired with plural verbs (chase, study).

To determine which sentences display correct subject-verb agreement, we need to identify the subject and the verb in each sentence and ensure they match in number (i.e., singular subject with singular verb and plural subject with plural verb).

Here are some steps to follow in analyzing each sentence:

1. Read the sentence carefully to identify the subject and verb.
2. Determine if the subject is singular (referring to one person, thing, or idea) or plural (referring to more than one).
3. Check if the verb agrees with the subject by using the appropriate form (singular or plural).

Let's apply these steps to the provided sentences:

1. "The cat chases mice." -> This sentence displays correct subject-verb agreement.
Explanation: The subject "cat" is singular, and the verb "chases" is the appropriate singular form.

2. "He run every day." -> This sentence does not display correct subject-verb agreement.
Explanation: The subject "he" is singular, but the verb "run" is the plural form. It should be "runs," the singular form.

3. "They wants to go hiking." -> This sentence does not display correct subject-verb agreement.
Explanation: The subject "they" is plural, but the verb "wants" is the singular form. It should be "want," the plural form.

4. "My sister and I is going shopping." -> This sentence does not display correct subject-verb agreement.
Explanation: The subject "My sister and I" is plural, but the verb "is going" is the singular form. It should be "are going," the plural form.

So, out of the given sentences, only the sentence "The cat chases mice" displays correct subject-verb agreement.

Remember to always analyze the subject and verb in a sentence to ensure proper agreement!