Drag each problem that developed during the writing of the U.S. Constitution to its solution. Boxes: Virginia plan, The great compromise, and Electoral College. Problems: How to select next president, Federal government was weak, and how many representatives per state.

Virginia Plan This is the correct answer I mean.

The federal government was weak.

The Great Compromise

How many representatives per state?

The Electoral College

How to select the president?

To determine the solution to each problem that developed during the writing of the U.S. Constitution, we need to consider how each problem was addressed. Let's examine each problem and its corresponding solution:

1. Problem: How to select the next president.
Solution: Electoral College

Explanation: The problem of selecting the next president was resolved by implementing the Electoral College system. The Electoral College is a group of electors chosen by each state who cast their votes to select the president and vice president. This system was established as a compromise between those who favored direct popular election and those who preferred indirect election by Congress.

2. Problem: Federal government was weak.
Solution: The Great Compromise

Explanation: The concern of having a weak central (federal) government was addressed through the implementation of the Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise. The Great Compromise established a bicameral legislature, with two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. This compromise struck a balance between the smaller states (who preferred equal representation in Congress) and larger states (who favored representation based on population). By creating a stronger federal government with checks and balances, the Great Compromise helped strengthen the overall governance structure.

3. Problem: How many representatives per state.
Solution: Virginia Plan

Explanation: The problem of determining representation in the legislative branch was tackled by introducing the Virginia Plan. Proposed by James Madison, the Virginia Plan suggested a bicameral legislature where the number of representatives would be based on a state's population or financial contributions. This plan favored larger states with more population and resources. Although the Virginia Plan was not fully adopted, it inspired the creation of the House of Representatives, which provides representation based on population size.

So, to reiterate the solutions to each problem:
- How to select the next president: Electoral College
- Federal government was weak: The Great Compromise
- How many representatives per state: Virginia Plan

i think it is Virginia Plan look down below if i am wrong then sorry

The federal government was weak.

The Great Compromise

How to select the president?

The Electoral College

How many representatives per state?