Animals with bilateral symmetry

A. Have a distinct head end.
B. Have no definite shape.***
C. Can only move in one direction.
D. All Live in the water.

oops I meant A.

So I suppose you picked the right choice, A.

The correct answer is A. Have a distinct head end.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what bilateral symmetry means and rule out the other options.

Bilateral symmetry refers to the arrangement of body parts such that an animal can be divided into two identical halves along a single plane. This means that the left and right sides of the body are mirror images of each other.

Option B, "Have no definite shape," is not correct because animals with bilateral symmetry do have a distinct shape. Their body structure is usually well-defined with clear front and back ends.

Option C, "Can only move in one direction," is not correct either. While bilateral animals can exhibit directional movement, such as moving forwards or backwards, they are not limited to moving in only one direction.

Option D, "All live in the water," is also incorrect. Animals with bilateral symmetry can live in various environments, including both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. For example, insects, birds, and mammals all possess bilateral symmetry and inhabit diverse habitats.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Animals with bilateral symmetry have a distinct head end.