Consider the number: 105,279,083,000

Which digit is in the ten millions place?

10 million is 10,000,000

So, which digit is 8 from the right?


To find the digit in the ten millions place, we need to identify the position of the digit in the given number.

In the number 105,279,083,000, the ten millions place is the fourth digit from the right.

Breaking down the number into place values:

1 0 5 , 2 7 9 , 0 8 3 , 0 0 0

So, the digit in the ten millions place is 7.

To determine which digit is in the ten millions place in the number 105,279,083,000, you need to identify the position of each digit.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start from the rightmost digit of the given number, which is 0.
2. Move one place to the left, which is the place value of the next digit. In this case, it's the ones place (0).
3. Continue moving to the left and label each place value as you go: tens place (0), hundreds place (3), thousands place (8), ten thousands place (0), hundred thousands place (9), one million place (7), ten millions place (2), hundred millions place (5), one billion place (0), ten billions place (1).
4. Once you reach the ten millions place, which is the one with the label (2), you have found your answer.

So, the digit in the ten millions place of the number 105,279,083,000 is 2.