A researcher decides to study study frogs in a local forest. Funding for his project says:

For every 6 hours in the office, you will be allowed 90 minutes in the forest.

Which of the following is the correct forest to office time?

To determine the correct forest to office time, we need to compare the hours spent in the forest to the hours spent in the office.

According to the funding, for every 6 hours in the office, the researcher is allowed 90 minutes in the forest.

Let's convert 90 minutes to hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 90 minutes is equal to 90/60 = 1.5 hours.

Now, to calculate the forest to office time, we need to find out how many 6-hour intervals are in 1.5 hours.

Dividing 1.5 by 6 will give us the number of 6-hour intervals in 1.5 hours.

1.5 / 6 = 0.25

Therefore, the correct forest to office time is 0.25.

no choices given