Synesthesia is a condition in which stimuli to one sense are perceived with another sense. For example, someone with synesthesia might hear a sound when they touch something.

In one to two sentences, explain how a stimulus to one type of receptor might be perceived as a stimulus to another type of receptor in people who have synesthesia.

Help pls, I need help quicly

Write something about the sensory receptors getting a different response, for example, someone with synesthesia might hear a sound when they touch something

In people with synesthesia, the connections between different regions of the brain that process sensory information are believed to be cross-wired, causing a blending of sensory experiences and leading to the perception of stimuli from one type of receptor as stimuli from another type of receptor.

In people with synesthesia, the brain pathways associated with different sensory modalities (such as hearing and touch) become cross-wired, so that activation of one sensory receptor can lead to an additional perception in another sensory modality. This results in the experience of perceiving stimuli in different senses simultaneously.