Find the overall score for the student with the following weighted system and average scores. Round to the tenth.

Weight Grade
Tests 55% 78.5
Homework 25% 80
Take home quizzes 15% 72
Participation 5% 50

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To find the overall score for the student, you'll need to calculate the weighted average of the grades for each category. Here's how you can do it:

1. Multiply each grade by its corresponding weight:
- Tests: 78.5 * 0.55 = 43.175
- Homework: 80 * 0.25 = 20
- Take home quizzes: 72 * 0.15 = 10.8
- Participation: 50 * 0.05 = 2.5

2. Add up the products of each grade and weight:
43.175 + 20 + 10.8 + 2.5 = 76.475

3. Round the overall score to the tenth:
The overall score for the student is 76.5.

Therefore, the overall score for the student is 76.5.