I a favorite for a seadog to wield

For him to use without a shield
I do not make him heavy-laden
My name: what I do and a maiden
What am I?

Is this actual schoolwork an actual teacher assigned? I feel bad for you, mate

YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SEA DOGS.GET OUT OF THAT BASEMENT AND GO DO YOUR CHORES.(actaully idk the answers and my teacher actually assigned this to us in the 7th grade.)

someone plz help me

To solve this riddle, we need to break it down and analyze the clues given. Let's look at each clue:

1. "I am a favorite for a seadog to wield": This suggests that the answer is something commonly used or preferred by sailors or seadogs.

2. "For him to use without a shield": This implies that the object being referred to doesn't require protection or defense, unlike a shield.

3. "I do not make him heavy-laden": This hints that the answer is not something that adds extra weight or burden for the seadog.

4. "My name: what I do and a maiden": This clue indicates that the answer consists of two parts: a word that describes what the object does and a name of a maiden.

Based on the clues above, the answer is likely a type of song or musical instrument. Let's see how the clues fit:

1. A favorite of seadogs to wield: Sailors often enjoy singing or playing musical instruments during their travels.

2. To use without a shield: Singing or playing an instrument generally doesn't require any sort of protective gear like a shield.

3. Does not make him heavy-laden: Singing or playing a lightweight instrument wouldn't add extra weight or burden.

4. My name: what I do and a maiden: This clue suggests that the answer is a combination of a word describing what the object does (which is likely related to music) and the name of a maiden. This could refer to a sea shanty, which is a type of traditional sailor song, often accompanied by musical instruments, and the maiden could be the sea.

Therefore, the answer to the riddle is most likely a "sea shanty."