What is the purpose of adding graphics and multimedia to informational texts?

"to clarify certain kinds of information for ease of understanding".

The purpose of adding graphics and multimedia to informational texts is to enhance their effectiveness and improve the reader's understanding and engagement. Graphics, such as charts, graphs, and diagrams, can visually represent data, making it easier for readers to interpret and comprehend complex information. They can also provide a quick overview or summary of important points, helping readers grasp the main ideas more easily.

Multimedia, on the other hand, brings texts to life by incorporating visual, audio, and interactive elements. It can include images, videos, audio clips, animations, and interactive features like hyperlinks or quizzes. By integrating multimedia, informational texts become more engaging, interactive, and dynamic, capturing the reader's attention and making the content more memorable.

To add graphics to an informational text, you can use various software programs or tools like Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, or online graphic design platforms. These tools provide a wide range of options to create and customize charts, graphs, and diagrams according to the specific needs of your text.

To incorporate multimedia elements, you can use video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro to edit and include videos, audio editing software like Audacity to enhance audio clips, or multimedia authoring tools like Adobe Animate or Articulate Storyline to create interactive features. Additionally, there are online platforms like Canva, Piktochart, or Prezi that offer easy-to-use interfaces for creating multimedia presentations and infographics.

Remember, the key is to carefully select and use graphics and multimedia that are relevant, clear, and support the information being conveyed. It's important to strike a balance between text and visuals to ensure a seamless integration that enhances and clarifies the content rather than overwhelming or distracting the reader.