320 is 220 is what type as decimal.

I got 1.5

can you repeat the question please?

320 is 220?

Type this as a decimal. the answer

To determine what type 320 is in decimal form, we need more information. Are you referring to a number system other than decimal (base 10) or a specific format or representation of the number?

If you are referring to a number in the decimal (base 10) system, then we can assume 320 is already in decimal form. In this case, 320 remains as 320 in decimal notation.

However, if you meant to convert 320 from another number system to decimal, please specify the base of the original number system. For example, if 320 is a number in base 5, we can convert it to decimal by multiplying each digit by the respective power of the base and summing the results.

For example, in base 5, 320 would be calculated as:
3 * 5^2 + 2 * 5^1 + 0 * 5^0 = 3 * 25 + 2 * 5 + 0 * 1 = 75 + 10 + 0 = 85

So, if you were referring to 320 in base 5, it would be equal to 85 in decimal notation.