PART A: Which statement best expresses a theme of the story

In order to provide a statement that expresses the theme of the story, I would need to know the specific story you are referring to. Could you please provide the title of the story?

To determine the theme of a story, one must closely analyze the events, characters, and messages that the author presents. Begin by rereading the story and paying attention to the main ideas and conflicts. Look for recurring motifs, symbols, and patterns within the narrative. It's essential to consider the story's setting, dialogue, and character development in order to identify the central message or lesson that the author intends to convey.

Once you have thoroughly analyzed the story, you can then identify the statement that best expresses the theme. Remember, a theme is not a simple plot summary or a specific event; it is a universal idea or insight that transcends the story itself. It should be a statement that could apply to various situations and contexts, extending beyond the immediate narrative.

Consider the characters' motivations, struggles, and growth throughout the story. Reflect on any conflicts presented and the resolution or outcome of those conflicts. The theme may relate to the consequences of specific actions, the pursuit of a particular goal, or a moral or philosophical message underlying the narrative.

By carefully examining these elements, you can determine the statement that captures the theme of the story accurately.

no statements, no story.