Mrs. Gleason announced that dinner was served and invited us to the dining table. It was lavishly covered with platters of food, but we couldn’t see any chairs around the table. So we helpfully carried over some dining chairs and sat down. All the other guests just stood there.

What part of the plot is revealed in this excerpt?
A. an introduction of the Lin and Gleason families
B. a resolution in which the Lins feel comfortable
C. a conflict between the Lins and the unfamiliar culture
D. a conflict in which the other guests treat the Lins unkindly

In this excerpt, the part of the plot that is revealed is C. a conflict between the Lins and the unfamiliar culture. This is because the Lins are unfamiliar with the cultural norms of the Gleason family, as they couldn't see any chairs around the dining table and had to bring their own chairs. The fact that all the other guests just stood there adds to the conflict and emphasizes the cultural differences between the Lins and the other guests.