A piece of music with a tempo of 100 beats per minute (bpm) has a playing time of 3 minutes. The piece is edited to have a playing time of 120 beats per minute.

How long will the edited piece play in minutes?

2.0 minutes

4.0 minutes

2.5 minutes

3.5 minutes

It plays faster by a ratio of 120/100 so will take 100/120 times as long

3 * 100/120 = 100 / 40 = 5/2 = 2.5

To find out how long the edited piece will play in minutes, we can use the formula:

Time = (Original Time * Original Tempo) / New Tempo

In this case, the original time is 3 minutes, the original tempo is 100 bpm, and the new tempo is 120 bpm.

Applying the formula:

Time = (3 minutes * 100 bpm) / 120 bpm

Time = (300 bpm) / 120 bpm

Time = 2.5 minutes

Therefore, the edited piece will play for 2.5 minutes.

The correct answer is 2.5 minutes.