Martha read 1/6 of her book on Saturday and 5/12 of her book on Sunday. How much more of her book does Martha have left to read?

2/12 + 5/12 = 7/12

12/12 - 7/12 = ?

is's so confusing

i still dont get this

To find out how much more of her book Martha has left to read, we need to subtract the amount she has already read from the total amount of the book.

Let's consider the fractions of the book Martha has read:
- On Saturday, she read 1/6 of her book.
- On Sunday, she read 5/12 of her book.

To find a common denominator for 1/6 and 5/12, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 12, which is 12. We can rewrite the fractions with a denominator of 12:

1/6 = 2/12
5/12 = 5/12

Now, let's add the fractions together to find the total:

2/12 + 5/12 = 7/12

Therefore, Martha has read a total of 7/12 of her book.

To find out how much more of her book she has left to read, we subtract the fraction she has already read from 1 (since the whole book is represented by 1):

1 - 7/12 = 12/12 - 7/12 = 5/12

Therefore, Martha has 5/12 of her book left to read.

Ohhh! That makes much more sense!