A company produces fruity drinks that contain a percentage of real fruit juice. Drink A contains 10% real fruit juice and Drink B contains 30% real fruit juice. Company made 360 liters of fruity drinks with 78 liters of real fruit juice. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of liters of Drink A made and the number of liters of Drink B made. Define the variables that you use to write the system.

A = liters of drink A made ... B = liters of drink B made

.1 A + .3 B = 78

A + B = 360



Let's denote the number of liters of Drink A as "x" and the number of liters of Drink B as "y".

Since Drink A contains 10% real fruit juice and Drink B contains 30% real fruit juice, the total amount of real fruit juice in Drink A is 0.1x liters, and in Drink B it is 0.3y liters.

We are given that the total amount of real fruit juice made is 78 liters, so we can write the first equation:

0.1x + 0.3y = 78

The company made a total of 360 liters of fruity drinks, so the second equation is:

x + y = 360

Therefore, the system of equations to determine the number of liters of Drink A and Drink B is:

0.1x + 0.3y = 78
x + y = 360

5x3 15 5x6 30 7x4 28