how do you graph 3x-y=5?

First rearrange the equation into

Y=mx+b form. where m represents the slope & y represents the Y intercept. The X & Y represent the two coordinates that you are solving for.
When you rearrange it into y=mx+b form then the equation should read y=3x-5. 3 is your slope and -5 is your y-intercept. So first you start of with the y-intercept and you graph it at -5. so the coordinate will be (0,-5). then the slope as you know is 3x which basically means the slope is 3 over 1( this is because any whole number is basically the whole number over 1). 3 is your rise and 1 is your run. So from -5 you go up 3(rise) and right 1(run). once you get 2 points on the graph, just draw a straight line through them and you have your line.

thanks bob!!!!!

To graph the equation 3x - y = 5, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose values for x.
Select a few values for x. It's recommended to choose at least three values so that you can accurately plot the points on the graph. In this case, let's choose x = -2, 0, and 2.

Step 2: Substitute the selected x-values into the equation to find the corresponding y-values.
For each selected x-value, substitute it into the equation and solve for y. Using our chosen x-values, we have:
When x = -2: 3(-2) - y = 5
-6 - y = 5
-y = 11
y = -11
So, one point on the graph is (-2, -11).

When x = 0: 3(0) - y = 5
0 - y = 5
-y = 5
y = -5
Another point on the graph is (0, -5).

When x = 2: 3(2) - y = 5
6 - y = 5
-y = -1
y = 1
The last point we found is (2, 1).

Step 3: Plot the points on a coordinate system.
Now that we have three points, (-2, -11), (0, -5), and (2, 1), plot them on the coordinate system.

Step 4: Connect the points to form a line.
Finally, connect the points with a straight line. This line represents the graph of the equation 3x - y = 5.

Remember to label your axes and write the equation of the line next to it, so it's clear what the graph represents.