A basketball player makes 225 out of 250 free throws. We would estimate the probability that the player makes the next free throw to be

225 / 250

To estimate the probability that the player makes the next free throw, you can calculate the player's free throw shooting percentage.

The player made 225 out of 250 free throws, so the shooting percentage is calculated by dividing the number of successful attempts by the total number of attempts:

Shooting Percentage = (Successful Attempts / Total Attempts) * 100

In this case, the shooting percentage would be:

(225 / 250) * 100 = 90%

Therefore, the estimated probability that the player makes the next free throw would be 90%.

To estimate the probability that the player makes the next free throw, we can use the concept of relative frequency.

The player has made 225 out of 250 free throws so far. We can calculate the relative frequency by dividing the number of successful outcomes (made free throws) by the total number of outcomes (total free throws attempted). In this case, the relative frequency is 225/250.

To convert the relative frequency to a probability, simply divide the number of successful outcomes by the total number of outcomes. In this case, the probability of the player making the next free throw would be 225/250 = 0.9, or 90%.

Therefore, we would estimate the probability that the player makes the next free throw to be 90%.