I need help on math 7 a Lesson 4: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

Essential Math 7 A Unit 4: Operations with Fractions Quiz.

1. A or -1/6

2. D or -9 and 7/10
3. D or 7/8
4. A or -1 and 3/10
5. D or 8 and 4/5

There are the answers u people are begging for
also it is lesson 4.4.7 on connexus

omg thanks

Mr prezily offical,

Why are you here then O_o hm? OH i KNOW WHY!!!!! because you're here looking for answers as well :l so i dont know what u r complaining about. You're here to. So dont complain and tell us not to cheat. I STUDY HERE with my CLASSMATES not CHEAT LIKE U :V

7th grade

nova is wrong i got 60% thanks a lot. :( T-T

Thanks Answers for connexus for the right answers i wish i wouldve used them

there is 8 for me???

doe anybody have the answers to the math 7A lesson 5 property shmoperties quiz please i really need the help

There are 30 for me LOL

Bloody Hell, thankyou so much Kathryn. I got a 100% percent thanks to you ;)

its at connexcus btw