Nervous System Quick Check

1 of 5Items
Assessment started: Nervous System Quick Check.
Item 1
What is a dendrite? (1 point)

It is the part of a neuron that carries information to the cell body.

It is the part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body.

It is a cell that sends signals to the body to move.

It is a cell that sends signals to the central nervous system based on sensory input.

Ok so I just took it and got 3/4 but I now have the answers so here:

1. to regulate sleep patterns

2. adrenal

3. to reduce water loss

4. receptors on the outside of the target cell

and that's it 100% correct

4/4 ur right thanks 😊

Checking to see if it works.

Tell me if it worked for you :)

4/4 thank you so much


My first q is

What is the function of the hormones produced by the pineal gland?(1 point)

to produce insulin to monitor sugar levels
to produce insulin to monitor sugar levels

to regulate sleep patterns
to regulate sleep patterns

to regulate thirst and hunger
to regulate thirst and hunger

to produce secondary sex characteristics
to produce secondary sex characteristics

Anyone know it my answer is D but I'm not so sure

My 2nd is this and my answer is D

A person is walking in the woods and runs into a mother bear and her cubs. Which gland immediately activates?(1 point)





3rd is

What is the function of the antidiuretic hormone?(1 point)

to regulate blood sugar
to regulate blood sugar

to control sleep cycles
to control sleep cycles

to reduce water loss
to reduce water loss

to increase height
to increase height

I think C

Which of these would need to be changed to make a hormone ineffective?(1 point)

receptors on the outside of the target cell
receptors on the outside of the target cell

the distance from the gland to the receptor
the distance from the gland to the receptor

the time it takes to travel to the cell
the time it takes to travel to the cell

the frequency that hormones are produced

I think B but I'm not that smart so can someone check them?

Never mind I think the first three are