Read the sentence.

My science teacher explained how the weather cycle works using an illustration.
Which is the best revision of this sentence?

My science teacher explained how the weather cycle, using an illustration, works.
Using an illustration, my science teacher explained how the weather cycle works.
Using an illustration, how the weather cycle works, explained my science teacher.
My science teacher explained using an illustration how the weather cycle works.

My answer is B. Is this right?

Yeah, its definetly B.)

OMG, thank you so much.

Which sentence shows the best placement for the modifier “with bright red hair”?

Driving the tiny car with bright red hair was the large clown.
The large clown with bright red hair was driving the tiny car.
Driving the tiny car, the large clown was with bright red hair.
The large clown was driving the tiny car with bright red hair.

the answer is B trust me

Yes, your answer is correct. Option B, "Using an illustration, my science teacher explained how the weather cycle works," is the best revision of the given sentence.

To determine the best revision, it helps to consider clarity, readability, and sentence structure.

In the original sentence, the phrase "using an illustration" is placed at the end of the sentence, which makes the sentence feel less clear. Option B places the phrase "using an illustration" at the beginning of the sentence, which improves the clarity by immediately indicating the method of explanation.

Additionally, Option B maintains a logical and coherent sentence structure, allowing the reader to easily follow the message being conveyed.