Which word correctly completes the following sentence?

Personal opinions make a summary _______. They are usually avoided so that the summary can get right to the major points of the text.

(1 point)





nothing im guessing

came back heh bc i was literly on question 12 i think and there is 14 and my computer shut off and it resetted -_-

What's the answer I have the same question is it interesting or biased or confusing or informative

umm can u give us anwsers for connexus

And you think … ?

deez nuts

To determine the word that correctly completes the sentence, let's analyze the given information. The sentence suggests that personal opinions are generally avoided in a summary, so that the summary can focus on the main points of the text.

Given this context, we are looking for a word that describes personal opinions interfering with the objective presentation of the main points. Out of the options provided, "biased" is the most fitting word. A biased summary can be influenced by personal opinions, making it less objective and potentially altering or distorting the main points. Thus, "biased" is the correct word to complete the sentence.