Which statement is punctuated correctly?

Selena, started playing hockey, her favorite sport when she was seven because her older sister was a star goalie.
Selena started playing hockey, her favorite sport when she was seven because her older sister was a star goalie.
Selena started playing hockey, her favorite sport, when she was seven because her older sister was a star goalie.
Selena started playing hockey her favorite sport, when she was seven, because her older sister was a star goalie.

My answer is B. Is this right?


B is missing a comma.

See #3 here.

No, your answer is not correct. The statement that is punctuated correctly is C.

The correct punctuation is: "Selena started playing hockey, her favorite sport, when she was seven because her older sister was a star goalie."

In this sentence, the comma is used correctly to set off the phrase "her favorite sport" as additional information. It does not separate the subject "Selena" from the verb "started."

Yes, your answer is correct. Statement B is punctuated correctly.

When determining the correct punctuation in a sentence, it's important to consider the elements that need to be separated and the rules of proper punctuation. In this case, the key elements that need to be separated are the introductory phrase "Selena started playing hockey, her favorite sport," and the additional information "when she was seven."

Option A is incorrect because there should be a comma after "Selena" when the introductory phrase is included.

Option C is correct because it includes the necessary comma after "sport" to separate the additional information "when she was seven."

Option D is incorrect because it incorrectly places a comma after "hockey" instead of after "sport," and it also places a comma before "when she was seven," which breaks the flow of the sentence.

So, your choice of Option B is indeed correct.