If Jaime is riding at 14 miles per hour and Cori is riding at 0.40 km per minute, how far will each of them bike in two hours? 1 mile is equivalent to 1.61 kilometres. Use the equation d=vt

a.Jaime will bike 28 miles and Cori will bike 38.64 miles

b. Jaime will bike 29.82 miles and Cori will bike 28 miles

c. Jaime will bike 28 miles and Cori will bike 29.82 miles

d.Jaime will bike 38.64 miles and Cori will bike 28 miles

One city's highest temperature during this passed summer was 34 degrees Celsius, a second city's highest temperature over the same period was 97 degrees Fahrenheit. Convert City 2's temperature to Fahrenheit, using F=(C×95)+32, to determine which city had the highest temperature during the summer.(1 point)

a. City 1 had a highest temperature of 93.2 degrees Fahrenheit, while City 2 had a higher maximum temperature of 97 degrees Fahrenheit.

b. City 1 had a highest temperature of 97 degrees Fahrenheit, while City 2 had a higher maximum temperature of 93.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

c. City 1 had a highest temperature of 29.4 degrees Fahrenheit, while City 2 had a higher maximum temperature of 97 degrees Fahrenheit.

d. The two cities had the same highest temperature.

my answer for number one is c and my answer for number two is also c

To find the distance that Jaime and Cori will bike in two hours, we can use the equation d = vt, where d is the distance, v is the speed, and t is the time.

First, let's calculate the distance Jaime will bike. Given that Jaime is riding at 14 miles per hour, and the time is 2 hours, we can substitute these values into the equation:

d = (14 miles/hour) * (2 hours)
d = 28 miles

So, Jaime will bike 28 miles in two hours.

Next, let's calculate the distance Cori will bike. Given that Cori is riding at 0.40 km per minute, and the time is 2 hours, we need to convert the speed into miles per hour. Since 1 mile is equivalent to 1.61 kilometers, we can multiply the speed in kilometers per minute by 60 (minutes per hour) and divide by 1.61 (kilometers per mile) to convert it:

(0.40 km/minute) * (60 minutes/hour) / (1.61 km/mile)
= 14.907 miles/hour (rounded to three decimal places)

Now, we can substitute the converted speed and the time into the equation:

d = (14.907 miles/hour) * (2 hours)
d = 29.814 miles (rounded to three decimal places)

So, Cori will bike approximately 29.814 miles in two hours.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. Jaime will bike 28 miles, and Cori will bike approximately 29.814 miles.

1C ok

#2. C is clearly learly wrong, since body temperature 98.6°F = 37°C
In fact, 34°C = 93.2°F