Read the following quote from your textbook about the Iroquois tribe.

“Women chose clan leaders. A clan was a group of related families. If a clan leader did not do his job well, the women could remove him from his position.”

What does this quote show us about women’s role in Iroquois society?

A.Women solely preformed domestic duties and household functions.
B.The Iroquois had a matrilineal society.
C.Women had little respect in the tribe.
D.Women had great influence in their communities.=====

I had trouble with this one correct me if im wrong

Based on the quote, the answer is D. Women had great influence in their communities. The quote states that women in the Iroquois tribe were responsible for choosing clan leaders and had the power to remove them from their position if they did not perform their duties well. This demonstrates that women had significant authority and influence within their communities, suggesting that they held a respected and important role in Iroquois society.

I agree with you.