Read the sentence.

Tall tales and fairy tales are different type of stories with unique characteristics

A. cause and effect text structer

B. a sequence of events text structer

C. a compare and contrast text structer

D. a problem and solution text structer

Please learn to have patience. Two minutes between those posts? There are no robots here, just human tutors!

I don't see any correct answers for this.

It’s c I guess

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the sentence and understand the characteristics being mentioned. In this case, the sentence is discussing the differences between tall tales and fairy tales.

Option A, cause and effect text structure, is when a text explains the causes and effects of certain events. However, the sentence does not indicate any cause and effect relationship between tall tales and fairy tales.

Option B, a sequence of events text structure, is when a text presents events in a specific order. However, the sentence does not mention any specific events or their order.

Option C, a compare and contrast text structure, is when a text examines the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. Given that the sentence clearly states that tall tales and fairy tales are different types of stories with unique characteristics, it aligns with the compare and contrast text structure.

Option D, a problem and solution text structure, is when a text presents a problem and provides a solution. However, the sentence does not discuss any problem or solution.

Thus, the correct answer is C. a compare and contrast text structure. Note that understanding different text structures can help you analyze and comprehend various types of texts.
