The success of the Native American groups of the Northwest region was aided by the

A)Availability of wood for building houses

B)Development of advanced irrigation methods***

C)Rich supply of game animals, fish, and wild plants.

D)Use of sled dogs for transportation

Well, I live in a fishing port so would not have checked B. If I lived in Arizona, well maybe.

Damon gave a BIG hint. Read and reread his post Then re-think.

Think about Washington and Oregon. Of course, it's C!

To determine the answer, we can evaluate each option and identify the one that best supports the success of Native American groups in the Northwest region.

A) Availability of wood for building houses: This option suggests that the availability of wood helped the Native American groups in the Northwest region to build their houses. While having access to wood for construction purposes could be advantageous, it alone might not necessarily contribute significantly to overall success.

B) Development of advanced irrigation methods: This option implies that the Native American groups in the Northwest region utilized advanced irrigation techniques to enhance their agricultural practices. However, the Northwest region is known for its abundant rainfall, making advanced irrigation methods less crucial compared to other regions.

C) Rich supply of game animals, fish, and wild plants: This option suggests that the abundance of game animals, fish, and wild plants played a pivotal role in supporting the success of the Native American groups in the Northwest region. This wealth of natural resources provided a reliable food source, enabling sustainable living and economic development.

D) Use of sled dogs for transportation: This option implies that the usage of sled dogs for transportation was a contributing factor to the success of Native American groups in the Northwest region. However, while sled dogs could be useful in specific terrains and climates, they might not have been as instrumental or widespread as other factors in promoting overall success.

Based on this evaluation, the option that best supports the success of the Native American groups in the Northwest region is C) Rich supply of game animals, fish, and wild plants. The abundant availability of these resources allowed for a stable food supply and supported the growth and prosperity of these indigenous communities.