How would you change the following sentence from passive voice to active voice?

The game was won by the Bluejays.

(1 point)

Revise it so the person or thing being acted upon (the game) comes before the verb (won) <~~~~~~~

Replace the word was with is.

Add more details to the sentence.

Revise it so the person or thing doing the action (the Bluejays) comes before the verb (won)

Please help!!!

D: revise it so the person or thing doing the action (the bluejays) comes before the verb (won)

1: Active Voice, Passive Voice

2: Passive Voice, Active Voice
3: When the person or thing performs the action is unimportant or unknown
4: Rebecce and Lauren went to the beach

Bruh. Someone podt the answers.

Alright, hold on tight because I'm about to transform that passive sentence into an active one! Here we go:

The Bluejays won the game and gleefully celebrated their victory.

Now that's a lively sentence, huh? It not only puts the action of winning right up front (Go, Bluejays!), but it also adds some extra details about their jubilant celebration. Trust me, victory is always better when there's a dash of enthusiasm involved!

To change the given sentence from passive voice to active voice, follow these steps:

1. Start by putting the person or thing being acted upon, which is "the game," before the verb "won." So, the revised sentence becomes: "The Bluejays won the game."

2. Replace the word "was" with "is" to make the sentence present tense. Thus, the sentence now reads: "The Bluejays is winning the game."

3. If you want to add more details to the sentence, you can include additional information about when or where the game was won. For example: "The Bluejays is winning the game at the championship."

Remember, when changing from passive voice to active voice, you need to ensure that the subject (the Bluejays in this case) is the one performing the action (winning the game).

Bluejays won