Which statement is correct about organelles that provide energy? (1 point)

A)They are responsible for cellular respiration.

B)They are found only in animal cells.

C)They are responsible for protein synthesis.

D)They are found only in plant cells.

I think A!

NOO is wrong i got a 1/4.

The right answers are
1) They are responsible for cellular respiration.
2) Plasma Membrane
3) Golgi apparatus
4) Rough ER contains ribosomes, and smooth ER transports materials other than proteins

jhuhiudh is 100% correct ty!!

jhuhiudh is 100% correct He is and thank you jhuhiudh

yall- its babd jhuhiudh is correct lmao

Guys teachers switch up the order of the answers everyone and a while so you need to do this

1)cellular resperation
2) plasma membrain
3) goligi apparatus(or something like that)
4) rer (rimasons) ser (other then protiens

here are the answers

1. They are responsible for cellular respiration.
2. plasma membrane
3. Golgi apparatus
4. Rough ER contains ribosomes, and smooth ER transports materials other than proteins.

have a great and blessed day everyone and good luck! This is the answer.

NOO is wrong i got a 1/4.

The right answers are
1) They are responsible for cellular respiration.
2) Plasma Membrane
3) Golgi apparatus
4) Rough ER contains ribosomes, and smooth ER transports materials other than proteins

Feb 18, 2021

Its actually dcba his is botted its a thing you can get on greasy fork and the people saying tysm to him are him with different names.

jhuhidhua is wrong his likes are botted
Oct 21, 2021
IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@jhuhiudh is correct

fly like a egle

1. They are responsible for cellular respiration.

2. Plasma Membrane
3. Golgi apparatus
4. Rough ER contains ribosomes, and smooth ER transports materials other than proteins
This is right for Conexus

U do know they mix up the answers on test right, there all right just mixed up