Justin weighs 80 kilograms, Benjamin weighs 40 kilograms. Jack weighs 60 kilograms How much do the 3 people weigh altogether in lbs? (2.20 lbs= 1kg)

it's 1,800 grams

To find out how much the 3 people weigh altogether in pounds, we need to convert their weights from kilograms to pounds and then add them up.

Let's start with the given weights:
- Justin weighs 80 kilograms
- Benjamin weighs 40 kilograms
- Jack weighs 60 kilograms

Now, we need to convert these weights from kilograms to pounds. We know that 2.20 lbs is equal to 1 kg. So, to convert kilograms to pounds, we can multiply the weight in kilograms by 2.20.

For Justin:
Weight in pounds = 80 kg * 2.20 lbs/kg
Weight in pounds = 176 lbs

For Benjamin:
Weight in pounds = 40 kg * 2.20 lbs/kg
Weight in pounds = 88 lbs

For Jack:
Weight in pounds = 60 kg * 2.20 lbs/kg
Weight in pounds = 132 lbs

Now, let's add up the weights of the three people:
Total weight in pounds = Justin's weight + Benjamin's weight + Jack's weight
Total weight in pounds = 176 lbs + 88 lbs + 132 lbs
Total weight in pounds = 396 lbs

Therefore, the three people altogether weigh 396 pounds.

its not 1,800 its 180, or 180,000

(80+40+60)kg * 2.2lb/kg = 180*2.2 = 396 lb