Lewis team played 6 games. They scored 2 points in the last game and lost by 3 points in the last game. How many points did their opponents score in the last game.

The question only concerns the last game. Forget about how many games they played; it doesn't matter.

What number is 3 points more than 2 ?

To find out how many points their opponents scored in the last game, we can calculate it by subtracting the points Lewis' team scored from the margin of victory.

Given that Lewis' team lost by 3 points in the last game and scored 2 points, we can subtract their score from the margin of victory to find out the opponents' score.

Margin of victory = 3 points
Lewis' team's score = 2 points

Opponents' score = Margin of victory - Lewis' team's score
= 3 - 2
= 1

Therefore, their opponents scored 1 point in the last game.