Which are true about the Iran-Contra Affair?

Select all that apply.

A.The United States sold arms to Iran and funneled those profits to the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua.
B. The Reagan administration violated official US policy toward Iran by initiating the program.
C. The United States made a secrete alliance with Iran to defeat the Contras in Nicaragua.
D. The Reagan administration attempted to reveal the details of the Iran-Contra Affair to hurt the Democratic Party.

B. The Reagan administration violated official US policy toward Iran by initiating the program.

A. The United States sold arms to Iran and funneled those profits to the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua.

A. The United States sold arms to Iran and funneled those profits to the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua.

B. The Reagan administration violated official US policy toward Iran by initiating the program.

Now, let's get serious for a moment. The correct answers are A and B. The United States did sell arms to Iran and used the profits to support the Contras in Nicaragua, and the Reagan administration did indeed violate official US policy towards Iran with this program. As for the other options, C is not true as there was no secret alliance with Iran to defeat the Contras, and D is not accurate either, as the Reagan administration attempted to cover up the details of the affair, not reveal them. History can be quite a circus sometimes!

The true statements about the Iran-Contra Affair are:

A. The United States sold arms to Iran and funneled those profits to the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua.
B. The Reagan administration violated official US policy toward Iran by initiating the program.

These statements accurately describe the main elements of the Iran-Contra Affair, which involved the covert sale of weapons to Iran with the intention of using the profits to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

To determine which statements about the Iran-Contra Affair are true, we can examine the historical facts surrounding the event.

A. The United States sold arms to Iran and funneled those profits to the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua: This statement is true. During the Iran-Contra Affair, the United States did sell arms to Iran with the intent of securing the release of American hostages held in Lebanon. The profits from these arms sales were then covertly diverted to support the Contras in Nicaragua.

B. The Reagan administration violated official US policy toward Iran by initiating the program: This statement is true. The Reagan administration violated the official US policy of not negotiating with terrorists by initiating arms sales to Iran in an effort to secure the release of hostages.

C. The United States made a secret alliance with Iran to defeat the Contras in Nicaragua: This statement is not true. The goal of the United States in selling arms to Iran was primarily to secure the release of American hostages, and the diversion of profits to the Contras was an independent initiative aimed at supporting the anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua.

D. The Reagan administration attempted to reveal the details of the Iran-Contra Affair to hurt the Democratic Party: This statement is not true. The Reagan administration sought to conceal the details of the Iran-Contra Affair to avoid political consequences and potential legal ramifications.

Therefore, the true statements about the Iran-Contra Affair are A and B.
