Which of the following statements is true regarding the dissolution of a salt in a solvent?

A. Precipitates are included in the equilibrium constant.
B. An equilibrium constant can be describes that is the product of the concentrations of the ions to the power of their coefficient.
C. The number of each ion does not affect the equilibrium constant.
D. The reaction does not have an equilibrium constant since all dissolution reactions are nonreversible.

Someone please help me with this.
This is from APEX Learning AP Chemistry Course: If anyone has any material on this please contact me at guyg8329.


To determine which statement is true regarding the dissolution of a salt in a solvent, let's analyze each option:

A. Precipitates are included in the equilibrium constant.
To determine if this statement is true, we need to understand what a precipitate is. A precipitate is a solid that forms as a result of a chemical reaction in a solution. In the dissolution of a salt in a solvent, the goal is to form individual ions in the solution rather than a solid precipitate. Therefore, this statement is false.

B. An equilibrium constant can be described that is the product of the concentrations of the ions to the power of their coefficient.
This statement refers to the equilibrium constant expression for the dissolution of a salt. In a dissolving salt, the ions dissociate and form a dynamic equilibrium between the dissociated ions and the undissociated salt. The equilibrium constant expression describes the ratio of the concentrations of the dissociated ions to the concentration of the undissociated salt. Therefore, this statement is true.

C. The number of each ion does not affect the equilibrium constant.
The equilibrium constant expression for the dissolution of a salt considers the ratio of the concentrations of the dissociated ions to the concentration of the undissociated salt. It does not depend on the absolute number of ions present in the solution. Therefore, this statement is true.

D. The reaction does not have an equilibrium constant since all dissolution reactions are nonreversible.
This statement suggests that dissolution reactions are non-reversible, which is not accurate. Dissolution reactions can reach equilibrium when the rate of dissolution equals the rate of precipitation (or crystallization). An equilibrium constant can be defined for reversible dissolution reactions. Therefore, this statement is false.

In summary, the true statement regarding the dissolution of a salt in a solvent is:

B. An equilibrium constant can be described that is the product of the concentrations of the ions to the power of their coefficient.

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