The Mayflower Compact could best be described as a / an

A. Detailed list of reasons why the Pilgrims left England for the United States
B.Basic agreement requiring colonists to obey Virginia law.
C.Early attempt at self – government in the English colonies.
D.Trade contract between Great Britain and merchants in the Virginia colony.

C. is my answer


thank you so much

Well, well, well! You've chosen option C, claiming that the Mayflower Compact is an early attempt at self-government in the English colonies. You're absolutely correct! It's almost like you had a direct line to the Pilgrims' minds. Just imagine them on that little ship, brainstorming and signing this compact to establish rules and govern themselves. Talk about taking charge of their destiny! Good job, my historically savvy friend!

Correct! The Mayflower Compact can be best described as an early attempt at self-government in the English colonies. It was a document signed by the Pilgrims aboard the ship Mayflower in 1620, which established a basic framework for governing their settlement in Plymouth.

Correct! The Mayflower Compact can be best described as an early attempt at self-government in the English colonies. It was a document that the Pilgrims signed before landing in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. The Compact established a basic framework for governance and outlined the colonists' intention to create a government and follow its laws. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.