Help please

1.What are words that would help you to analyze any text, no matter the topic?(1 point)

a.supporting vocabulary

b.general academic vocabulary

c.subject-specific vocabulary

d.domain-specific vocabulary

2.What is the idea that the writer focuses on throughout an informational text?(1 point)

a.supporting details

b.domain-specific vocabulary

c.main idea


3.What do domain- or subject-specific words do for the reader?(1 point)

a.They help the reader to analyze any type of text, no matter the subject.

b.They inform the reader that the author is an expert in a specific field.

c.They help the reader to learn new vocabulary words.

d.They inform the reader that the author is writing about a particular topic.

4.What helps the writer provide evidence for his or her main idea?(1 point)

a.general vocabulary

b.supporting details


d.context clues

The real answers are

General academic vocabulary
Main idea
They inform the reader that the author is writing about a particular topic
You're welcome

connections girl is close i just did it here are the correct answers

1. B. general academic vocabulary
2. A. main idea
3. D. They inform the reader that the author is writing about a particular topic.
4. B. cultivate

Connections girl the last one was wrong it's actually

General academic vocabulary
Main idea
They inform the reader that the author is writing about a particular topic
Those are the right answers

1. is general academic vocabulary

2. .main idea
3 .They inform the reader that the author is writing about a particular topic.
4. supporting details

Pie 🥧 is right!!!!! Thx

Ok I did the assessment and got a 100% with these answers.

1. D. general academic vocabulary
2. A. main idea
3. C. They inform the reader that the author is writing about a particular topic.
4. B. cultivate

this is not helping

l need help

never mind i find the answer

PsyDAG every time you comment thats what you say lol