Read the excerpt from Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman.

Men, women, and children were packed into dark, foul-smelling compartments. They slept in narrow punks stacked three high. They had no showers, no lounges, and no dining rooms. Food served from huge kettles were dished into dinner pails provided by the steamship company . . .

The voyage was an ordeal, but it was worth it. . . .

Edward Corsi, who later became United States Commissioner of Immigration, was a ten-year-old Italian immigrant when he sailed into New York harbor in 1907:

My first impressions of the New World will always remain etched in my memory, particularly that hazy October morning when I first saw Ellis Island. The steamer Florida, fourteen days out of Naples, filled to capacity with 1600 natives of Italy, had weathered one of the worst storms in our captain’s memory; and glad we were, both children and grown-ups, to leave the open sea and come at last through the Narrows into the Bay.
My mother, my stepfather, my brother Giuseppe, and my two sisters, Liberta and Helvetia, all of us together, happy that we had come through the storm safely, clustered on the foredeck for fear of separation and looked with wonder on this miraculous land of our dreams.
According to the passage, the voyage was difficult, but worthwhile. How does the quotation from Edward Corsi develop this topic?

a It provides a firsthand experience from an immigrant who says he β€œclustered on the foredeck for fear of separation.” i think it is wright

The answer is B

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The quotation from Edward Corsi develops the topic by providing a first-hand account of his experience as an Italian immigrant sailing into New York Harbor in 1907. Corsi describes his first impressions of the New World, particularly the day he saw Ellis Island. He mentions that the steamer Florida, filled with 1600 Italian immigrants, weathered one of the worst storms in the captain's memory. Corsi also indicates that they were all happy and relieved to have come through the storm safely. Furthermore, Corsi mentions that he and his family clustered together on the foredeck, fearful of being separated, and looked in wonder at the miraculous land of their dreams. This quotation highlights the difficulties and challenges of the voyage, but also expresses the immense hope and excitement that immigrants felt upon reaching their destination, which reinforces the idea that despite the hardships, the voyage was considered worthwhile.

What? You didn't post all the answer choices at first?

Your choice sounds reasonable, but since I don't know what the other choices are, it's hard to be sure.

And please do NOT use tutors' names in your name.

No one here will write your assignment for you, but someone may be able to check your work if you post it.

(Please know that Ms. Sue is not with us anymore. I miss her every day.)